First Visit

Your First Visit to Bionic SportMed & Physiotherapy

If you are visiting a physiotherapist for the first time you may have questions regarding your appointment. At Bionic SportMed & Physiotherapy, we believe proper preparation before the result of your sessions results in better outcomes and improved recovery.

Upon Arrival at the Clinic

Your first physiotherapy visit at Bionic SportMed & Physiotherapy will consist of an assessment and the first stages of your physiotherapy treatment program.

The registered physiotherapist will start by introducing him or herself, and confirm your desire to perform an assessment and obtain treatment for your injuries.

The Physiotherapy Assessment and Treatment Plan

After the introductions, the assessment will begin. A thorough assessment will involve asking questions regarding your medical history, and the method of injury, and may also involve moving your body and asking you to perform movements to determine the issue or issues at hand and formulate a diagnosis of the injury.

You should wear loose-fitting clothing to ensure the registered physiotherapist has proper access to the injured area in question. If at any point you have questions please feel free to ask our registered health professionals. Our patient-centered model of care does revolve around you. The more informed you are about the assessment and treatment plan, the more effective and efficient your recovery will be.

Your physiotherapist will deliver treatment to help address your complaint. Treatment may involve:

  • Manual therapy techniques
  • Prescribed exercises
  • Heat therapy
  • Cold therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Stretching
  • And more
If You’re Ready To Book Your First Physiotherapy Appointment, Call Us Today